Why Is My Cat So Active at Night?

Why Is My Cat So Active at Nigh

If you’re frustrated by your feline’s nighttime habits, you are not alone. Cats are most active during dawn and dusk, and if left to their own ways, many will be active through the night. However, a little training and patience on your part will have you enjoying a meow-free, restful night’s sleep once again. 

Why Are Cats So Active at Night? 

Many people mistakenly believe cats are nocturnal animals, meaning they are active at night. In reality, they are crepuscular, which means they hunt and are most active during dawn and dusk. 

So why exactly are some cats active at night? Cats are social animals and love spending time with you. If your feline friend is alone during the day, most of the time is spent napping. All that rest can lead to a super active cat when you’re trying to get some sleep. Nighttime activity can also result from boredom, hunger, natural changes in sleeping patterns with age, anxiety, or health concerns. 

How Can You Manage Your Cat’s Nighttime Activity?

Your cat’s “night crazies” can leave you longing for a good night’s sleep. From nibbling on your ears to pouncing on your toes, walking over your chest, or nighttime vocalization, your cat’s boundless energy can leave you at a loss. 

The following are some ideas to manage your cat’s nighttime activity:

Rule Out Medical Causes: Visit your trusted team at All About Cats Veterinary Hospital to rule out any medical conditions that may be causing your cat’s nocturnal activity. 

Provide Adequate Exercise and Stimulation: Spend time playing with your cat in the afternoon or early evening to spend some of its energy. Cats love teasers, playing fetch, or chasing a laser pointer. A tired, happy cat will likely be much less active at night. 

Time Your Cat’s Feeding: Cats often fall asleep after a good meal, so it’s always a good idea to move the evening feeding to later at night so your cat is full and sleepy when it’s time for bed. 

Avoid Encouraging the Unwanted Behaviors: Pet owners may unintentionally reinforce the boisterous nighttime behavior by interacting, feeding, or even trying to chase the cat out of the room. Hard as it may be, try not to pay attention to your cat at night. 

Manage Your Space: If your cat continues to disturb you while trying to get some sleep, you may want to create physical barriers. Close your bedroom door and keep the litter box, food, and water far from your room. Separation is often the best solution to improve your quality of sleep. 

Need More Tips?

Keep in mind that your cat will pick up on cues from you. If you allow your furry friend to disturb you at night or unintentionally reward the nighttime activity, the negative behavior will likely continue. If you need more tips on managing your cat’s behavior or if you have any concerns, contact your trusted team at All About Cats Veterinary Hospital in Kirkland, WA. We’re here to support you and your feline friend every step of the way!

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