A Quick Guide to Coping with Cat Emergencies

Cat emergencies can happen when you least expect them, often with serious impacts on your feline friend’s well-being. Our team at All About Cats Veterinary Hospital put together a quick guide with essential information on coping with cat emergencies to help you act swiftly when your cat’s health is at risk. We’re here to support you and your furry companion every step of the way. 

Recognizing the Signs of a Cat Emergency

Common signs your feline friend is experiencing an emergency include the following:

  • Open-mouthed breathing or panting
  • Uncontrolled bleeding
  • Seizures or convulsions
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Severe vomiting or diarrhea
  • Inability to urinate
  • Extreme lethargy or weakness
  • Swollen or painful abdomen

If your cat experiences any of these symptoms, seek veterinary care immediately. Remember – never give your cat human medications unless instructed by your emergency vet.

What Should You Do If Your Cat Experiences an Emergency?

The first thing to do in an emergency is to contact your veterinarian for immediate care. Our team at All About Cats Veterinary Hospital may ask you to come in immediately or provide first-aid instructions to stabilize your cat before heading to our office. It’s important to stay as calm as possible. Cats are sensitive to human emotions, so remaining calm can reduce stress and help make your cat more cooperative during treatment.  

Our team at All About Cats Veterinary Hospital recommends putting together a first aid kit to be prepared in the event of an emergency. Always follow your veterinarian’s instructions when administering first aid. Make sure to keep your cat as quiet as possible and keep movement to a minimum, especially if you are dealing with trauma or broken bones. Use a soft blanket to keep your cat warm, except in the case of heatstroke, during which the goal is to cool down your cat. 

Be careful handling your cat because an injured animal can be frightened and aggressive. When heading to your appointment, place your cat in a secure, comfortable, and well-ventilated carrier. Place a light blanket over the carrier to help reduce stress during transport. If you suspect a spinal injury, lay your cat on a thick blanket in a large box. 

What Are Common Cat Emergencies?

Here are common emergency situations and things you can do to help:

  • Poisoning: If you believe your cat has ingested a poisonous substance, contact the Pet Poison Helpline for immediate guidance.
  • Diarrhea and Vomiting: Persistent diarrhea and vomiting can point to poisoning, an intestinal obstruction, or a gastrointestinal infection. Contact us for immediate care.  
  • Car Accident: Make sure the airway is clear, but never put your hand in a conscious, injured cat’s mouth. Cover any wounds and bring your pet in for immediate evaluation. 
  • Animal Fight: Clean bite and fight wounds immediately with warm water and place pressure with a clean gauze to stop any bleeding. Cover the wounds to prevent further contamination and seek immediate veterinary care.
  • Anaphylaxis: This is a severe allergic reaction that can cause collapse and difficulty breathing. Make sure to seek immediate care. 
  • Convulsion or Seizure: Protect your cat from falling and injuring itself. Once the seizure is over, try to calm your cat and contact us to schedule an evaluation. 
  • Heatstroke: Excessive panting, lethargy, and distress are common signs of heat stroke. Wrap your cat in a cool, wet towel – never immerse your cat in cold water – and head to your emergency appointment. 
  • Urinary Blockage: If your cat is not urinating or only producing a few drops, seek immediate medical attention. A urinary blockage is serious and can be life-threatening if left untreated.

Preventing Cat Emergencies

While it isn’t possible to prevent all cat emergencies, there are steps you can take to lower the risks. Keep up with your cat’s annual checkups, stay up-to-date on vaccinations, provide a high-quality, nutritious diet, and make sure your furry companion maintains a healthy weight. 

Make sure you store all medications, supplements, recreational drugs, chemicals, and cleaners in a secure location. We do not recommend using essential oils around your cat. We are always happy to answer your questions and offer tips on preventing cat emergencies. 

Compassionate Emergency Veterinary Care Near Me in Kirkland, WA

At All About Cats Veterinary Hospital, we understand how stressful cat emergencies can be for pet parents. Stay calm and contact our veterinary team immediately to ensure the best possible outcomes for your furry companion. You can always count on us for purr-fectly compassionate care because, after all, we are all about cats!

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