10 Halloween Safety Tips for Cat Owners

10 Halloween Safety Tips for Cat Owners

With all the hustle, bustle, and Halloween festivities, don’t forget to look out for your feline friend. Your trusted team at All About Cats Veterinary Hospital in Kirkland, WA, put together ten Halloween pet safety tips to ensure you and your furry companion enjoy a safe and stress-free day. 

1. Hide That Candy Bowl

Halloween candy can pose a threat to cats, especially chocolate, caffeine, dairy products, and raisins. Beyond the harmful ingredients, the wrappers are a choking hazard, particularly the colorful, crinkly variety. We highly recommend keeping a selection of healthy cat treats on hand this Halloween to keep your pet safe and free of harm. 

2. Beware of Xylitol Toxicity

Halloween treats containing xylitol can be especially harmful to your cat. Just a tiny amount of the artificial sweetener can elicit a sudden rush of insulin, leading to low blood sugar, a condition known as hypoglycemia. Even if your precious pet survives xylitol exposure, acute liver failure is an unfortunate possibility. 

3. Keep Your Furry Companion Indoors

Even if your cat spends some time outdoors, Halloween’s not a good day for wandering around. The noise and excitement can be overwhelming, causing your cat to run off and get lost. Worse yet, pranksters have been known to harm pets, especially black cats, on Halloween night. 

4. Provide a Safe Space

Your door will open and close with strange-looking humans dressed in unusual costumes. That can be frightening to an animal, who may want to dart outside or may show aggressive behaviors. Confining your cat in a safe room away from all the noise will reduce the stress level and ensure your precious pet stays safe. 

5. Watch Those Costumes

Choose a costume that’s safe for your cat, one that doesn’t restrict movement, seeing, hearing, or breathing. Remove any sequins or bobbles that can pose a choking hazard. Also, ill-fitting costumes can get caught on objects or lead to tripping, injuring your furry friend. The chances are a cat costume will cause undue stress, so you may want to drop the idea altogether. 

6. Keep Halloween Plants Away from Cats

Small amounts of corn and pumpkin are safe for most pets. However, uncooked and potentially moldy Halloween pumpkins or corn displays can lead to gastrointestinal upset. Worse yet, consuming large pieces can lead to intestinal blockage. 

7. Keep Hazardous Halloween Decorations Out of Reach

Candles in Halloween decorations or jack-o-lanterns can easily be knocked over, burning your cat or causing a fire. Keep any lit candles strictly out of reach of your furry friend. Wires and cords from electric lights or Halloween decorations can also be hazardous. If chewed, they may cause cuts, burns, or even life-threatening electrical shocks. Moreover, ingested batteries may cause chemical burns or gastrointestinal blockages.  

9. Glow Sticks and Glow-in-the-Dark Jewelry Aren’t for Cats

Glow sticks and glow-in-the-dark jewelry contain liquids that are often toxic to cats. If ingested, they often cause drooling and vomiting. Keep any glow items away from your furry friend. 

10. Make Sure Your Cat Has Current IDs

In the event your cat should get lost, current identification will increase your chances of being reunited. Provide a collar and tag with your name and contact information on it. Better yet, a microchip will offer permanent identification should your cat’s collar or tag fall off. Just make sure the information is current.

Enjoy a Safe Halloween!

Halloween is an exciting time to share with family and friends. Creating a safe environment for your furry friend will ensure everyone enjoys a wonderful holiday. For more cat safety tips, contact All About Cats Veterinary Hospital in Kirkland, WA. We’re here to support you and your feline friend every step of the way!

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