Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat – Causes of Feline Odors

smelly cat

Cats are incredibly clean animals, so if your feline friend is a little off in the odor department, it’s often a warning sign that something’s amiss. Watch out for unusual behaviors or symptoms and contact your trusted team at All About Cats Veterinary Hospital in Kirkland, WA. We will uncover and treat the underlying causes of your cat’s stench and restore the sweet-smelling warmth you’ve come to love.

A Stinky Feline Mouth

Dental disease is most often the cause of bad breath in cats, so it’s essential to get your furry friend’s teeth cleaned regularly and practice prevention. The younger you start brushing your cat’s teeth, the better the chances you’ll keep tooth decay and gum disease at bay.

A Stinky Coat

Skin infections, wounds, allergies, or parasites can cause excessive grooming and leave your furry friend’s coat a foul-smelling, oily mess. Bacterial or yeast infections and other underlying health conditions can also cause a putrid or musty smell. If your cat’s skin is stinkier than usual, pay your vet a visit to get to the bottom of the stench and get your cat’s health – and odor – back on track.

Rear End Odor

If a foul odor is coming from your cat’s rear end, chances are it’s a problem with the anal glands, which contain an oily, putrid, and somewhat fishy-smelling fluid that’s usually expressed when your cat uses the litter box. Other causes of stinky cat rear ends include flatulence, diarrhea, and constipation.

Ear Odor

Stinky ears are almost always a sign of feline ear infections or yeast infections. Ear mite infestation is a less common cause of smelly ears and is characterized by a dark, foul-smelling material that looks like coffee grounds.

Urinary Tract Infections

Cat urine has a strong, ammonia-like smell that can get quite unpleasant if there’s a problem. Urinary tract infections are notorious for causing an overwhelming, fishy odor. A strong sweet or fruity smell, on the other hand, can signal feline diabetes, while a super-strong ammonia smell may indicate concentrated urine, often as a result of kidney disease. A visit to your vet will help get your furry friend the needed treatment.

Grooming Problems

As cats age, they may not be as agile as they used to be and may have trouble grooming themselves effectively, resulting in not-so-pleasant smells. Other factors that may interfere with grooming include obesity and arthritis.

Quality Feline Care in Kirkland, WA

Cats are experts at masking illnesses, so it’s important for pet parents to keep an eye on their furry friends. Without prompt treatment, simple health problems can progress into something quite serious. If your cat smells bad or if you have any other concerns, be sure to contact your trusted team at All About Cats Veterinary Hospital for prompt care. You can always count on our team for paw-some service because, after all, we are all about cats!

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