Tips for Dealing with an Aggressive Cat

Tips For Dealing With An Aggressive Cat

Did you know that aggression is the second most common behavioral problem seen in cats? Just like humans, cats sometimes show quite the cat-itude. In most cases, a little patience and getting to the bottom of why your cat may be showing signs of aggression can help you calm your fur-ever friend.


Why Is Your Cat Aggressive?

In most cases, a specific trigger can cause your kitty to act out, but sometimes a health condition may be behind your cat's aggression. Before attempting any behavior modification, visit your trusted team at All About Cats Veterinary Hospital to rule out any medical condition that could be the cause of your cat’s behavior. If your kitty has no underlying health issues, we may suggest some ways to curb the undesired behavior, or if needed, we may refer you to a feline behaviorist for further evaluation and help.


Tips to Curb Aggressive Behavior

Redirect Aggressive Behavior: Get to know what triggers your cat's undesired behavior and keep an eye out for signs your cat is moving toward aggression. Immediately distract your cat by throwing a toy or treat, or even shaking a jar filled with coins. Never attempt to touch or pick up an agitated cat.

Use Calming Sprays or Diffusers: There are products you can purchase that are designed to calm cats down. These sprays or diffusers mimic the feline pheromones that make cats feel safe and secure. A less anxious cat often translates to a less aggressive one.

Keep Your Cat Engaged: Provide a stimulating environment to distract your cat. Scratching posts or climbing perches give your cat a chance to play and also provide quiet areas for some quiet, private time. Play with your cat, but make sure you don't do so when your furry friend displays signs of aggression. If your cat begins to act aggressively, stop playing, and wait for your cat to calm down. If your cat is playing nicely, reward the desired behavior with a tasty treat.

Recognize Maternal Aggression. Cats often become aggressive after giving birth. They instinctively protect their offspring from potential dangers. Provide a quiet, low-stress environment and keep visitors to a minimum. Move slowly and take your time approaching your cat. Once the new mom feels safe, you will see a marked improvement in her behavior.

Seek Professional Help: If all else fails, we may refer you to a feline behaviorist for help. A qualified professional can develop a customized treatment plan to address your cat's unique needs and will coach you through its implementation.


Talk to Your Trusted Veterinarians

Visit All About Cats Veterinary Hospital in Kirkland, WA to learn more about dealing with feline aggression. We will rule out any health concerns and will provide you with tips on how to best manage your cat's behavior. We look forward to caring for all your cat's needs!

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