How to Protect Your Cat This 4th of July

The 4th of July is a time of festivities and good times for humans but can be a terrifying and stressful time for cats, who may find all the commotion and unfamiliar noises unsettling and confusing. Thinking ahead and taking some precautions will allow you to enjoy your day and keep your kitty safe and as comfortable as possible.

Keep Your Furry Friend Indoors

Even if your cat is used to the outdoors, the sounds of firecrackers going off in the neighborhood can cause your cat to become stressed, fearful, and disoriented. Keep your cat indoors a day or two before and after July 4th. It always better to be safe than sorry!

Keep Your Cat Secure

If you’re having a cookout, make sure you and your guests are extra careful going in and out of the house to avoid your cat getting out. Additionally, it’s important to keep windows closed to prevent your kitty from escaping in a panic.

Whether you have company over or plan to be away, it’s a good idea to set up a sanctuary room for your furry friend that includes some safe hiding spaces along with any needed resources. Consider hiring a pet sitter to spend time with your feline friend while you go out and watch the fireworks.

Make Sure Contact Information Is Current

Even if your cat is always indoors, it’s essential that you microchip your cat and keep any identification information current.  It’s common for kitties to slip out the door when in a stressed or panicked state and end up being lost. Outdated contact information often makes it challenging to reunite pet parents with their furry friends. Also, keep a current photo of your cat handy in case your cat goes missing.

Distract Your Kitty

If you find your kitty getting anxious, interactive playtime will provide some needed distraction. Soft music can also help by blocking out all the noise taking place outdoors. There are some over-the-counter remedies that can help calm your cat including:


A ThunderShirt, which is a vest that applies steady, gentle pressure, can help your feline feel safe and secure.

If you want to try any of these options, we recommend trying them in advance of any stressful situation, so you can observe your cat’s reaction.

Avoid Human Food

While many of us want our precious felines to celebrate along with us, picnic and barbeque foods can cause many problems from an upset stomach to extreme toxicity. Let your guests know not to offer any human foods or beverages to any of your pets.

What Should You Do If Your Cat Goes Missing?

In the event your kitty goes missing, contact your local shelter providing them with photos and identifying information. Check with your neighbors and post flyers around your neighborhood. Leave out fresh cat food and water and an item with your cat’s scent on it. Call your local veterinarian for more hints to help you locate your cat. Hopefully, your kitty will return to the safety of your home.

Need More Information?

For more information on how to keep your cat comfortable and safe this 4th of July, contact us at All About Cats Veterinary Hospital in the Kirkland area. We are just that… all about cats! We wish you and your furry friends a safe and enjoyable holiday!

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