What’s Wrong with My Cat? Benefits of Whole-Body Radiology

What’s Wrong with My Cat? Benefits of Whole-Body Radiology

Does your feline friend seem a little off? Do you worry that it’s due to an infection or illness? Your trusted team at All About Cats Veterinary Hospital may recommend full body radiology to reveal any underlying concerns affecting your cat. With our state-of-the-art technology and our extensive experience, you can trust that your furry companion is in capable hands.

Whole-Body Radiology – An Overview

Whole-body radiology is a valuable tool that helps us reveal health issues that are not visible through physical exams or blood tests. The diagnostic device gives us important information about what is going on with your cat, inside and out, in a completely non-invasive way.

Our full body radiology unit captures ultra-high-quality x-ray images of the bones and internal organs of the body, helping us identify what is wrong with your fur baby. It also allows us to send radiographs to specialists when needed to get your cat’s health on track.

What Are the Benefits of Whole-Body Radiology?

The following are some of the benefits of whole-body radiology:

Evaluating Vital Organs: Whole-body radiology gives us a closer look at your furry friend’s chest, allowing us to assess the heart and lungs. Images of the abdomen give us a look at the stomach, liver, kidneys, and intestines. Examining the size, shape, and position of your cat’s organs can help identify abnormalities such as tumors or organ enlargement. Cat x-rays help us uncover conditions such as lung disease, heart disease, or bladder stones.

Evaluating Bone and Joint Health: Whole-body radiology can help us assess your cat’s bones and joints, like the elbow, shoulders, hips, knees, and paws, to uncover any damage or arthritis. We can also detect fractures, dislocations, or other abnormalities not visible during physical exams.

Identifying Ingested Foreign Objects: Cats are curious animals, notorious for ingesting all sorts of items, such as thread, rubber bands, clothing, and even small toys. That often results in foreign body obstruction, which is a potentially life-threatening condition. Radiographs offer an invaluable tool for detecting foreign objects, allowing us to provide prompt treatment.

Establishing Baselines: Full body radiology provides an excellent baseline for future comparisons, particularly for older cats. Changes in organ size or bone density can reveal diseases in their early stages that would otherwise go untreated.

What Can You Expect?

The entire whole-body cat x-ray procedure takes minutes, if not seconds, to complete. Your cat will need to lay still, which may sometimes be a challenge. If your cat is too busy to pose for radiographs, we may recommend sedation or restraint to capture the required images. Our team will do everything possible to ensure the entire process is as stress-free as possible.

Whole-Body Radiology Near Me

If you suspect your feline friend is not feeling great, come see us at All About Cats Veterinary Hospital in Kirkland, WA. We may recommend full body radiology to determine what is bothering your cat. We always work hard to get our furry patients feeling healthy and living their lives to the fullest. You can always count on us for trusted, compassionate care because, after all, we are all about cats!

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